A schooner is a fine vessel similar to a brigantine. It has two or more masts whose rigging is made up of auric and knife sails. Its front function was the coastal merchant activities and to a lesser extent the traffic of goods.
Details of the product
Unisex nautical bracelet adjustable to all wrists with sliding knots. Handmade in Spain, withleatherhigh quality. Theanchoris made of AISI 316 steel, resistant to salt water corrosion.
Schooner in Black Anchor
39.00 €
https://carrickbrand.com/en/products/pulsera-nautica-goleta-en-ancla-negracuero-cuero-ancla-negraSchooner in Black Anchor
A schooner is a fine vessel similar to a brigantine. It has two or more masts whose rigging is made up of auric and knife sails. Its front function was the coastal merchant activities and to a lesser extent the traffic of goods.
Details of the product
Color: Leather
Unisex nautical bracelet adjustable to all wrists with sliding knots. Handmade in Spain, with leather high quality. The anchor is made of AISI 316 steel, resistant to salt water corrosion.
ALL BRACELETSAnchor BraceletsBRACELETSCLASSIC STYLELeather BraceletsSUEDE & LEATHERtag_pulserasTop SalesVesselcajaregalopulseranaviospulserastockCtopCarrick2022-07-26T13:06:54Z