The bow is the forward part of the boat where the mooring lines are joined to form the edge that cuts through the water as it moves forward.
If you go through the bow, you will have it
Product details
Color: Blue Details: Yellow
Unisex nautical bracelet adjustable to all wrists with sliding knots. Handmade in Spain, with rope made from plastic waste collected from the sea, abrasion resistant and flexible that fits perfectly. The anchor is made of AISI 316 steel, resistant to salt water corrosion.
Bow in Silver Anchor | Upcycled
3334217820.00 in Silver Anchor | Upcycled
The bow is the forward part of the boat where the mooring lines are joined to form the edge that cuts through the water as it moves forward.
If you go through the bow, you will have it
Product details
Color: BlueDetails: Yellow
Unisex nautical bracelet adjustable to all wrists with sliding knots. Handmade in Spain, with rope made from plastic waste collected from the sea, abrasion resistant and flexible that fits perfectly. The anchor is made of AISI 316 steel, resistant to salt water corrosion.
ALL BRACELETSAnchor BraceletsBRACELETSCASUAL STYLENautic Rope BraceletsTop SalesUPCYCLED¿BUSCAS OTRO MODELO?ancla plateadacabocajaregalopulseraproapulseratopupcycledCarrick2020-12-16T14:05:28Z